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Do well, Do Better
Innovation Services for AG Firms
Talento Botanico
We help Ag firms to improve the
economic yield of their cultivable fields.
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Talento Botanico


to Juvant

From Field
to our dishes
TalentoBotanico assists you with the agronomic expertise you need to achieve your goals.
We follow you through the paperwork and lighten your workload by helping you solve problems and contingencies that may occur in cultivation.
TalentoBotanico is with you to meet the requirements of the contract that we propose.

Are you a farmer?
Are you looking for sustainable crops or that allow you to earn more than silage maize? We have a proposal for you
We have many proposals
to help you to improve your productivity.
Read some articles or write us,
and we'll talk about it in person.
​We have many proposals
to help you to improve your productivity.
Read some articles or write us,
and we'll talk about it in person.
Eventi botanici
Talento Botanico dispone di una tecnologia innovativa che semplifica
L'impresa e il team

Talento Botanico,
servizi agronomici e consulenza gestionale amministrattiva.
via Cavour 11/A Cantù Cermenate, 22063 (CO), Italia.
p.Iva/C.F 03723140137
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